Arts & Crafts
​Design and create beautiful necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and anklets. No sign-up is necessary, and the materials for your first project are provided by the center.
Have fun with Brushes
The focus of this class is to socialize with other artists, be inspired by the creations and imaginations of other artists, and to learn from other artists. Whether you've
never picked up a brush before, or have been painting for years, you are most welcome to drop in. This is a participant-led class.
Our instructor will introduce you to a variety of woodcarving techniques and even wood-burning skills. Tools are provided for beginners, and the center provides the material for your first project.
Beaded Banners
Beaded banners are beautiful artistic pictures created with colored beads. Please stop by the Activity Room any day to view finished beaded banners and see if this
might be something you would like to try. Class participants will be happy to help you get started, and the center provides the material for your first project.
This is a drop-in, participant-led class.
​Learn basic and intermediate levels of watercolor painting. Instructions include how to mount and stretch your paper, how to mix colors, and how to visualize your picture.
Mixed Media Expressions
This class is participant-led. Each week a different media or style of art is explored. One week you may work with shaving cream; the next week you might be drawing
cartoon animals. Come join this group for creative experimenting and lots of fun and laughter.
Arts & Scraps
This informal weekly workshop is for any senior who wants to start a project or has already started but needs some motivation to finish. Bring whatever you're working on, spread out, and enjoy some company while you're working.